All programs we offer are resource-generating activities. We seek contracts with local private and public sector entities to assist with their outreach efforts.
Promotoras - Ones Who Promote
An outreach effort conducted by women from the communities we target. We recognize this as an effective way to reach and educate our communities about health related issues. This group of dedicated community members is trusted and respected, they provide informal health related information to members of their communities. They are residents that reflect the demographics of the communities we serve and who have a longstanding commitment to improving the health and welfare of their community. The Promotoras/Ones Who Promote! Work to establish links between health providers and community members. Their duties include conducting outreach, case finding, health care referrals and translation. They are trained to educate women about healthy behaviors before, during and between pregnancies, encouraging non-pregnant women to schedule and attend well women exams, promotion of smoking cessation resources, knowledgeable of low-cost clinics and existing services available in their communities, and in improving communication with health care providers.
Health-e-Arizona Application Providers
Promotoras are trained and certified in the following areas:
What is SNAP (Food-stamps)?
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the new name for Food Stamps. SNAP helps limited income individuals increase their food budget to buy healthy food in Arizona. SNAP benefits are called Nutrition Assistance benefits. There is no cost to apply/receive SNAP benefits. If you are eligible, you can apply and receive the Nutrition Assistance benefits at no charge.
What is AHCCCS (Medicaid)?
Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) is Arizona’s Medicaid agency that offers health care programs, including medical, behavioral health, and long-term care services to serve Arizona low-income residents, including those with developmental disabilities. The Department of Economic Security, Division of Developmental Disabilities (DES/DDD) is required by Arizona revised statute to be the provider of services to persons with a developmental disability.
Women’s Health Coalition helps families determine eligibility for AHCCCS (Medicaid) and/or SNAP (Food stamps) and provides assistance at every step of the application process to obtain benefits. When it’s time to renew AHCCCS coverage, the Women’s Health Coalition provides assistance to the families with that process, too. Individuals must meet certain income and other requirements to obtain services. Families that do not qualify for AHCCCS are connected to other no-cost or low-cost medical and dental care in the community.
Call (602) 254.6162 to make an appointment for the services.
Mental Health 101
Trained in the terms of children’s behavioral health disorders, including anxiety, depression, bi-polar disorder, hyperactivity/attention-deficit, learning disorders, conduct disorders, eating disorders, autism and schizophrenia and substance abuse. Knowledgeable of the referral process and services available to AHCCCS or KidsCare eligible on behavioral health services including evaluation, treatment and support services.